I took Nate for his 18 month check up yesterday and was reminded of how FAST my children are growing, Elissa will be 9 in exactly 16 days, she reminds me everyday of how many days til her birthday. I tell her to slow down and not to be in such a hurry to grow up, its just my selfish way of wanting to keep her little. Nate's 18 month well check went really well..hehe..according to the doctor him getting into every single thing in my house is completely "normal" and that it should be viewed as a wonderful thing, I asked her if she wanted to come to my house for a week and see how wonderful it is..haha..He is on the small side according to them, but I don't care, he's my big little man and he's perfect to me. He learns so many new things every single day its such a blessing to be able to see it and know that I am teaching him all the little things he needs to know. The Big thing he is doing these days is learning how to use a spoon and fork, which is by far the messiest but most fun thing to do yet. He's very stubborn, he won't let me feed him anymore, he has to do it no matter how long it takes him, I still have no idea where his stubborness comes from..hehe...(no comments from my peanut gallery please). Anyway, I just wanted to remind you all to cherish your babies, they grow so fast....you blink and a year has gone by...