I truly hope your day is a wonderful one and I love you and miss you very much!! So in honor of your 23 years on earth here is what makes you so special...To me..
23. You were born! :)
22. You are one of the sweetest people I've ever known
21. You are a great listener
20. You have a wonderful sense of humor
19. You make everyone around you smile
18. You are beautiful inside and out
17. You love without conditions
16. You never judge
15. You're stubborn :)
14. You have wonderful values and morals
13. You're talented
12. You can laugh at yourself :)
11. You can DANCE!
10. You're a great MOM to little Jakers!!
9. You're a great sister!
8. You're a wonderful wife to Ricky
7. You inspire others (especially me) to be better people
6. You're more intelligent than you give yourself credit for
5. You love to share the Gospel :)
4. You're an inspiration for moms everywhere to get skinny! :)
3. You're an awesome Pilates instructor
2. You are my cousin and best friend
1. You are one of life's rays of sunshine in a world that can be dark sometimes
So Thank you to your mom and dad for creating such a wonderful woman, I am so proud to call you family and friend :) Love you Britt!!!